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The Master’s Garden

How Does Your (Spiritual) Garden Grow? Do you seek the abundant life mentioned by Jesus in the Bible? Let’s take a few minutes and look in the Scriptures to find some clues as to Who is truly in...

Prior Blog Posts


Is the “lawn” of your spiritual life planted purely with the best grass seed, resulting in a beautiful green, softly carpeted landscape, or is it filled with a variety of weeds of every...

Stop the Squeal

Want some increased clarity and discernment in your daily life? Do you have a hard time hearing the “still small voice” whispering to you because there’s a horrendously loud and...

Discerning the Will of God

How do you discern the will of God? Do you long to follow after Jesus, yet you’re not sure how to figure out which way He is leading? Have you ever had a big decision to make and weren’t...

Thorns and Thistles

Have you ever noticed that it takes no effort whatsoever to grow an abundant crop of weeds in your garden, but it takes much planning, focus and effort to keep your garden beautiful, healthy and...

Concert Replay 7-18-2024

This week’s Manna From My Father’s Hand Blog and Podcast are going to focus on my recent “Third Thursday’s at Three” concert. I will link below to a video of the replay...

Lily of My Valley

Do you know that your way is not hidden from the Lord? At times it can surely feel that it IS hidden from His sight. Have you ever felt that way? Do you know that He can spread the fragrance of Christ...

Tree of Life

Freedom This week, in carrying on with our gardening theme and celebrating our Independence Day (July 4) in the United States, it seems timely to discuss a little bit about the freedom that we...

New Creation

Have you become a “new creation”, changed to your core and in your very essence, by One who has planted the seed of His Holy Spirit deep in the soil of your heart? Do you believe that God...


The Choice is Yours So many choices in life. Whether to have cereal or eggs for breakfast? Whether to go to college or get a job after high school? Whether to plant or whether to uproot? Whether to go...

The Real Deal

Genuine or Counterfeit? When given a choice, do you prefer the real thing or an imitation? Genuine money or counterfeit? An actual rainbow in the real sky, no matter how faint … or a colorful...


Do you desire for the “garden” of your life to be flourishing, but find that destructive critters keep digging up everything you try to plant? Do the challenges, failures and set-backs of...

Blossom as His Garden Grows

This week’s blog and podcast is taking a bit of an unexpected turn once again. Perhaps I should start getting used to that! The Lord seems to steer things in a different direction so often, and...

Mysterious Ways

Deep and Lasting Work God does indeed work in mysterious ways. When your life and ways are submitted to Jesus, He is faithful to accomplish His work. Even in the midst of our inability to always hear...


Empty or Full? Are your sails empty or full? And while we’re at it, how’s your tire pressure? Have the tires that help you navigate the rocky roads of this life become deflated? Has the wind in your...

April 18-2024 Concert

In case you haven’t gotten to watch the replay of last week’s “Third Thursdays at Three” in-home concert, I will put a link to the video below. This month’s concert...

Wake Up–Can You Hear Him NOW?

This blog post  is associated with the podcast that can be found here: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/shining-river9/episodes/11-Wake-Up-e2ib09u Sorry this blog entry took so LONG to get...


What is Meditation? Have you noticed how our culture and the “world” seems to increasingly attempt to co-opt certain terms that Christians use to apply to “good” things? Words...


Escaping Through the Flames Do you hear Jesus knocking? OPEN THE DOOR! Escape the flames! Would you rather have a flame that perfected you in the sight of God, or one that destroyed you? I know my...

March 21 Concert

Well…. So much for OUR plans;)! For those who tried to join me for my livestream concert yesterday (first of all THANK YOU for trying!), you probably figured out I was having technical issues...


Holy Hush Do you ever have trouble sitting still and being quiet before the Lord? Does your mind ever race when you try to be still and pray? Sometimes we need a “holy hush” to come over...

Listen–Can You Hear Me Now?

Can You Hear Me Now? We have discussed a lot about being able to see in the spiritual realms in recent weeks. The other side of that equation is needing EARS that hear, which was often an area on...

You Be my Vision

Vision How is your vision? Your spiritual vision, that is. The last blog post asked “Can we have light?” We can have a lot of light, but if we are blind, we will not be able to see it or...

Can We Have LIGHT?

Last year, the Manna From My Father’s Hand blog began with a series about my earthly father’s story (which was the inspiration for the blog in many ways). In episode six, I mentioned a...

A Beautiful Cover

This week’s Manna From My Father’s Hand was posted as a Podcast, which highlighted a song I’d posted in late 2023 called Winter Snow. The Podcast was entitled “A Beautiful...

Painter of the Heavens

Yesterday it was one year since my father passed away. I have trouble believing a year has passed already! Even in the midst of it all, God has been good. I recorded a podcast yesterday, which was...

Greater Love

Greater Love Has it ever seemed to you that Jesus was asking you to step up and step out of your comfort zone so that He could use you to show His love to someone, even when it was REALLY hard?...

Livestream Mini-Concert Replay from 1-18-2024

In-Home Concert Livestream from 1/18/2024 Here’s a replay of my second attempt at livestreaming a concert from home. It was a bit of a challenge to get it all working (doing it by myself, so...

Just Like Your Father

Resembling Parents? As you have matured, have you ever noticed that you look more and more like your father or mother? A bit frightening sometimes, huh!? Has your father ever said something like...

Streams in the Wasteland

Downpours Has your life lately been like a parched wasteland, with a barren expanse where there used to be abundant water? Has life come upon you or your loved ones like a torrential storm, ready to...

Winter Snow

This is one of the most beautiful, memorable and personally poignant songs I have been blessed to record over the years. The song itself is unique and simple (more about that below). There are no big...

First Livestream

Well, as I’ve been “threatening”, I finally tried my hand at livestreaming yesterday! It was a bit of a challenge, to say the least, but at least it was a start! My video camera...

Christmas Carol Concert

A very Merry Christmas to you! As we continue to prepare our hearts during this Advent Season, here is a link to a video I posted a couple years ago while society was largely shut down due to the...


Here is a video from several years back that includes a song called “Treasured”, which I wrote along with my husband. It begins with an explanation of how the song came...

Birth of The King

THE KING IS BORN A few passages in 1 Kings stood out recently, seeming to reinforce each others’ points. Even though they were speaking of King Solomon when written, they seemed to be pointing...

The Wilderness Walk Part 7

MANNA FROM MY FATHER’S HAND # 20 (Originally posted 9/16/2023) THE WILDERNESS WALK (Part 7) Pondering the Paradise Path In comparing our Christian walk with the Israelites’ sometimes weary...

The Wilderness Walk Part 6

MANNA FROM MY FATHER’S HAND # 19 (Originally posted 9/8/2023) THE WILDERNESS WALK (Part 6) Derailments, Diversions, Distractions and Disillusionment Wow, FINALLY, we’re getting to the...

The Wilderness Walk–Part 5

MANNA FROM MY FATHER’S HAND # 18 (Originally posted 9/2/2023) THE WILDERNESS WALK (Part 5) Be Not Afraid During a morning walk, the day after posting my last blog, while thinking of...

Happy Thanksgiving

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Taking some time out of updating the blog content (with reposts from earlier this year) to say TODAY, that I wish you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving! We have so much to be...

The Wilderness Walk–Part 4

MANNA FROM MY FATHER’S HAND # 17 (Originally Posted 8/26/2023) THE WILDERNESS WALK (Part 4) Speed Bumps Only you can prevent speed bumps. What a curious and interesting sign I ran across in my...

The Wilderness Walk–Part 3

MANNA FROM MY FATHER’S HAND # 16 (Originally posted 8/18/2023) THE WILDERNESS WALK (Part 3) I Can Hear You But I Can’t See You Hmmmmm. This journey is turning out to be longer than I...

Manna From My Father's Hand

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