Streams of Mercy (Part 1)


(Originally posted 7/21/2023)


We are so very aware of the storms and struggles in our lives. It seems to be our natural tendency to wish they would stop.

Yet, often those very storms result in Living Water being able to flow in our lives in the aftermath. Those particular struggles, when met head on, by the power and mercy of the Holy Spirit, are the things that increase our strength and stamina. Those things often drive us to our knees before the Throne of Grace, where the Awesome and Holy One can meet much deeper needs than we even knew we had.

I had responded to someone online recently, who was struggling with discouragement and weariness caused by seeing people cause harm to defenseless and innocent people, and those who caused the harm were in the church, sadly enough. There is enough injustice and cruelty OUTSIDE the church, and adding that FROM those in the church was an even bigger burden.

It may appear to us that the evil one is winning, that the wicked are being successful. Romans 8:28 tells us a different story if we have eyes to see. He’s working behind the scenes for His will, and NOTHING escapes His watchful eye.

On thinking of it all this week, I want to also share my response on this blog, since I am sure there are others feeling similar things. I will hopefully post more in coming weeks from other recent experiences to explore these things even more deeply, in part 2 of this “Streams of Mercy” blogpost.

Manna From My Father's Hand

Jesus Centered Inspiration and Encouragement

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For now, here was my response to this child of the King, and I hope this will encourage your heart if you’re feeling overwhelmed, sorrowful, disappointed or discouraged…. I encourage you to pull out your Bible, dust it off if it needs it, and look up the passages below. I pray the Holy Spirit will bring a fresh wind to your soul/spirit, and that He will cause His Living Water to well up within you, flowing over to those in your path….

Dear brother or sister in Christ,

You are not alone in those feelings. They were expressed in the Psalms many times. I just did a really quick search, and two Psalms to start with might be Psalm 10 and Psalm 37. David was the King of Israel. One that God called a “man after His own heart” from what I recall. He failed big time in his life. Yet he saw many things, both good and bad….
He reaped the results of his own sin. He repented. (Psalm 51) He cried out to the Lord.
Jesus sees you, beloved child of His. He knows all you have gone through. He went through betrayal and pain. He endured, because He considered the joy of knowing YOU and the rest of us to be WORTH His sacrifice. (Hebrews 12:1-13)

Draw near to Him. His perfect love will cast out your fear, because fear has to do with punishment. (1 John 4:18) If you have repented and come close to Him, He is not interested in punishing you, but in redeeming you and making you what He has always desired for you to be… His precious son/daughter, resembling his/her Father in every way. No one can take that from you. (Luke 10:42)

He loves you, and He’s got you, His beloved child.

To be continued….

(Click to read Streams of Mercy Part 2)

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  1. Pingback: Streams of Mercy (Part 2) – Manna from my Father's Hand

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