(Originally posted 8/18/2023)
I Can Hear You But I Can’t See You
Hmmmmm. This journey is turning out to be longer than I EXPECTED (LOL, see last week’s blog post!)
Because this past week has been so full and poignant, I’m getting this post out later than I had hoped. All in God’s good timing, for sure though….
Eventually, Lord willing, I’ll get to what I promised at the end of last week’s post!
However, I want to share some personal sweet things from the Lord this week. I found out several days ago (early Sunday evening, I believe) that my sister was going to need my help. She had been caring for my mother and step-father during some medical challenges in recent weeks, and the burden was too great. It didn’t surprise me that much, because I knew caring for them both 24/7 would be a burden to anyone, and not many other resources had been accessed at this point.
Having just lost our father about seven months ago, our family members have been in recovery mode. My other blog posts have discussed my time spent with him before he passed away.
Thing is, for me to help with my Mom, I had to travel from the north of the US to the south of the US, and it would mean putting many of my upcoming singing/playing commitments on hold or canceling them outright. Of course, it became an urgent matter of prayer and seeking the Lord for guidance and direction. I’d have to book a flight as soon as possible, somehow get my affairs at home in order to the best of my ability, and change direction completely from my own “expectations” of what I “thought” the Lord had planned for me in the coming month or two. It would mean letting people down and backing out of things, which is not something typical for me.
The “Need to Know” Basis
We are so often on a “need to know” basis in terms of the unfolding plan of our Heavenly Father. Staying up north would mean many blessed lives … going down south would mean the same … I couldn’t be in both places at once…. So prayer was the palpable need.
The next morning, I was sitting having my time with Jesus, reading the Bible. My mind was so preoccupied, I found myself going along almost in a stupor, reading words by rote that were so very familiar (from Deuteronomy, the Ten Commandments), not even realizing what was right in front of my eyes.
I’ve mentioned in other blog writings that I’m a little odd (in many ways, for sure , but this one in particular) that many little creatures, especially birds, often remind me of the Lord. For whatever reason, Eagles remind me of the Father, Doves remind me of Jesus–the Son and Humming Birds remind me of the Holy Spirit. I haven’t heard many mourning doves lately, probably because of keeping the windows closed with A/C due to the summer heat, or maybe they don’t sing as often at this time of year, since they’re not having their young.
Sweet Little Voice Shouting
Anyway, as I sat there in my stupor, suddenly I heard a dove cooing outside. I realized that at that exact moment, these words were being read but not truly absorbed until the shock of that sweet little voice shouted for my attention: “Honor your father and mother, as the LORD your God commanded you….” (Deuteronomy 5:16a)
I did a double take, and could barely believe it, as a tear began to flow. What a sweet confirmation, letting me know that this was what I needed to do, all would be well, and He would bring me where He wanted.
The sound was so noticeable, I thought in my heart, “Lord, I can hear You, but I can’t see You”…. Looking out the window, and searching in the direction of the sound, up on an electric or phone wire, sat the sweet little dove, like it was looking down on me as I prayed. Moments of tears and confirmation initiated the plan-making to book a flight and get ready.
As it had been for my father, I believed that because of all the Covid ridiculousness, I might never see my mother again. And her birthday was coming up this week. When I bought her a card last week, I’d never IMAGINE I’d be able to give it to her in PERSON!
So, the next morning the trek began, and God was incredibly gracious that a friend of mine who used to drive limos to the airport just “happened” to be free and gave me a ride to the airport. I told him my story, and about the birds, etc. It was an encouraging conversation. Funny, last time he drove me to the airport, it was also for me to go care for my Mom for a while. God thoroughly orchestrated these memorable times….
The trip was straightforward and there were no delays, PTL. We did fly through a couple of thunderstorms (fascinating) but otherwise it was smooth sailing. It was so incredible to be at my Mom’s and see her and my stepfather, after not seeing them since before Covid.
What Is That Up in the Tree?
Later that evening, my mother was looking out the window and asked, “What is that up in the tree?” We looked beyond a clearing at some trees across from the window. It was a Bald Eagle! My sister and I had thought we might have seen one when we were driving to my Mom’s from the airport, but weren’t sure if it was one. But this absolutely WAS one. He sat there for the longest time, again as if he were looking down at us. I actually did grab my phone and tried to get a picture through the window. Even though it’s pretty hard to see, he can be seen if you zoom in a little. Just look for the white head, at the upper right hand side of the photo.
Another sweet confirmation. A love tap from the Lord that this is all part of His plan. Not to fear or fret. Simply love Him and love my family. (And the members of His Body have been so supportive as well, totally understanding why it has been necessary to back out of other things for the meantime.)
Yesterday was my Mom’s birthday, and it was SO AMAZING to be able to be here with her and several other family members to celebrate. Praise the Lord for precious, memorable moments like that.
My Mom has a couple of humming bird feeders, but I hadn’t seen any humming birds down here. Up at our house, they’re constantly at our feeder, since it’s summer, and they are very prevalent at this time of year. I didn’t know if they are down in this area, or if maybe they head north for the summer and come back down here for the winter….
On an early morning walk this morning, before our day got going with our caring needs, I walked around the block by my Mom’s house. As I walked by the front of her house, I could barely believe that I heard the chirp of a humming bird. If you’ve ever heard their little chirp, you’d know it. So again, that thought came by “I can hear You, but I can’t see You…” There were some bushes with orange/red flowers across from her house that probably were the attraction for them. Then, when my walk was over, as I came back to her house, again I heard that little chirp, and in looking across the street, there was the quick sight of a small little humming bird in those bushes. Another sweet sighting bringing encouragement.
I’d really appreciate your prayers, for my Mom, Stepfather, sister and all of us for wisdom and direction. I believe that He is leading and guiding, and am so thankful for those little moments of confirmation in the way my heart could “hear”. He knows the way to best speak to YOUR heart as well, so that you can sense His presence, comfort and guidance, even if it does seem like He’s guiding you through the wilderness.
Stuck in Paradise
Tonight, there was a GORGEOUS sunset, and in looking at it and snapping some beautiful pictures, my sister quipped something like “Well if you’re going to be stuck somewhere, you may as well be stuck in Paradise.” Indeed, I wouldn’t have chosen to take the trek all the way here without His motivation. Since He moved me to be here, the sweet moments with family are precious, and the scenery is actually stunning. I may not get to see it all the time, but the glimpses are enough to sustain me for each leg of the journey.
Praying He gives you a glimpse of Himself today. Keep your ears attentive and your eyes open to Him. He might show up in the most unexpected and surprising ways.
“….Today, if you hear his voice,….” (Hebrews 3:15)
Addendum originally posted 8/19/2023 (Photo mentioned is the cover photo)
A little addendum to last night’s blogpost…. Here’s a picture from a sweet sunrise this morning (Photo is the title photo for this blogpost) on a walk I took. Heard doves cooing in the distance several times, and didn’t see any until at one point I happened to look and see two doves peeking out over one of the roof tops at me as I walked by. I looked back at the house, but didn’t see them any more. Lots of sweet moments in the midst of being in the middle of being in a “need to know basis” season of life.