Do you find yourself wanting to be transformed into the image of Christ as He desires, yet sometimes feel more like you’re getting sucked in to the ways of the world?
Let’s examine that comparison briefly, and then share some time in prayer and encouragement.
This week’s Manna From My Father’s Hand podcast was recorded as a video and posted to Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn.
Since I had a brief good-word to share, it seemed timely to use the rest of the podcast episode praying for those who have been in harm’s way with the recent hurricanes. I want to share some of that here as well.
Butterflies and Bumblebees
The word I shared was from a story of a time when I was pruning our Butterfly Bush. It’s comical to watch the butterflies drinking nectar at these bushes that have an incredibly sweet fragrance. The butterflies will fly away, only to be drawn right back to the bush again to keep drinking. It’s almost as though they are addicted.
On this day during the summer, I was deadheading the bush and noticed a small butterfly who stayed put, almost as if he had died right there, being utterly intoxicated (and I’ve seen bees like that in past years, who stayed still on that flower and gave up their lives for its sweet nectar). This little butterfly seemed to still be alive, but wasn’t likely to make it for much longer.
Interesting that the Bible encourages us to be transformed, essentially referring to the metamorphosis that happens when a caterpillar changes to a butterfly, after living in a cocoon for a season of time. It also encourages us to steer clear of the ways of the world.
“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is–his good, pleasing and perfect will.”
(Romans 12:2)
So many people would WANT that transformation, but find it elusive. It is so easy for us to be “changed”, but not in a good way. There are “patterns of this world” all over the place tempting us to stay distracted, get drawn in and never achieve our full potential, let alone stay alive for very long in the first place, either physically or spiritually.
So for now, that was the simple word picture for this episode of Manna From My Father’s Hand. Remember that little butterfly that could represent so many of us who have the potential to be all that God created us to be. Yet we stay entranced and addicted to things that do not change us to be more like Jesus, but rather more like the world.
As you draw near to Jesus today, I encourage you to heed Paul’s words in Romans 12:1
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God–this is your spiritual act of worship.”
Offering our bodies to Him for His purposes may lead us to feel like we’re existing in a cocoon for a while… As He does His mysterious work, we will emerge by His grace as His new creation, full of His beauty and freedom.
Instead of drawing near repeatedly and obsessively to the good gifts that He has given us, let us draw near to the One who GAVE those gifts, in gratitude and spiritual wellness.
Prayers of Intercession and Gratitude
The day the podcast video was uploaded (yesterday) was the day that Hurricane Milton was threatening to overwhelm those in Florida.
Today, as I am writing this out, the storm (Milton) has largely subsided in FL, praise the Lord. There will still be search and rescue efforts, flooding, etc. So these people still need our prayers, along with those effected by Hurricane Helene recently. Let us remember to keep these people in prayer.
In fact, I will offer a prayer here, and if you’d like to add anything in the comments, feel free (as well as any prayer requests that YOU may have for yourself or your loved ones).
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank You so much for Your faithfulness in moving this storm away so quickly, and causing its furious winds to subside. Please help and encourage those who are still going through the effects and cleaning up from any damage. For those in Florida, North Carolina, Tennessee and the surrounding states, please grant Your mercy, strength, provision and encouragement as the efforts go on to save and restore lives that were in these storms’ paths.
Thank You again for Your grace. There is none like You! Thank You for giving us peace that passes understanding in the midst of our actual and figurative storms, and may You have Your way in and through us as we pray for, encourage and tangibly help each other.
In Jesus’ name,
Next week, I will be having my monthly “Third Thursdays at Three” in-home concert. Please join me live if you’re able. Here is a direct link and Lord willing, I’ll post a replay on the podcast as well.
Since this week’s blog and podcast were a little different than usual, I didn’t close the podcast with one of my songs. Instead, I am linking to a video of one of my songs called “Be Still” that was recorded shortly after the area in which I live was also hit with a massive storm in a prior year.
The Lord is faithful to bring us through such “storms” in life, whether they are physical, emotional or spiritual storms. May His grace flow in your life and the lives of those you love.
Remember to join my newsletter so that I can send you direct links to encouraging content, and we can share our further prayer requests with each other.
God bless you, my friend.
Lisa Prokopowitz is a Christian Singer/Songwriter, Podcaster and Blogger who seeks to lift up the name of Jesus and draw hungry hearts unto Him.
The song video associated with this week’s content is called “Be Still”. It is from Lisa’s “Sacred Sojourn/Follow Me” CD and is available here:
Watch Lisa’s video of the song mentioned above (Be Still):
This Blog post is associated with a Podcast. Listen/Watch at this URL: