How do you discern the will of God?
Do you long to follow after Jesus, yet you’re not sure how to figure out which way He is leading?
Have you ever had a big decision to make and weren’t sure which way God would have you go?
Shifting Gears
For this week’s blog, we’re going to shift gears just a bit for the next couple of weeks, taking a break from our gardening theme, since I’m scheduled to have a couple of events over these weeks.
The first is a live concert that is scheduled, Lord willing, for this Friday at the Jersey shore. And right now, there are supposedly remnants of Hurricane Debby that are heading our way and may hit right at that time. So, it makes for quite the matter of prayer indeed. It’s always really important to make our plans with a “Lord willing” type of mindset.
Sometimes things just go forward along with the original plan. When walking with the Lord, our “plans” need to be held loosely. From my perspective at least, it always seems that I’m on a “need to know” kind of basis. My role is to listen closely and follow Him.
His Will
At this point, I am planning to go forward with the concert, so I’ll be in prep mode for the next few days. At the same time, this week is in sort of a “holding pattern”, seeing how the storm proceeds, and being willing to change plans if need be.
I share that because it is in times like these, and decisions like these that it is so very important to keep our eyes focused actively on Jesus to know which way He wants us to go.
What Was it Like for Him?
Did you ever wonder what it was like for Him on that evening before He was crucified, as the ultimate “plan” seemed to be going in a direction that most of us would have thought for SURE was the opposite of God’s will.
In fact, prior to that, as He was preparing His disciples for those moments, they sometimes expressed their dismay and disbelief of what He was implying or saying was about to happen.
“From that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, chief priests and teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life.
Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him, ‘Never, Lord!’ he said. ‘This shall never happen to you!’
Jesus turned and said to Peter, ‘Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men.'”
(Matthew 16:21-22)
Sometimes, God’s ways seem so different than ours, and He takes a winding path that mystifies us, until we can look back on it from afterward and see what His hands were doing behind the scenes.
Jesus Himself, having become human (and having limited Himself to some extent by doing so), had those moments in the Garden of Gethsemane where He came before the Father to seek Him, since things were looking as though this was going to end with Jesus Himself becoming the ultimate “sacrifice”. Perhaps He wondered if there would be a “ram in the thicket”.
How must that have been for Him to “learn obedience through the things He suffered” (Hebrews 5:8)? In His time of heart-breaking prayer, His ultimate response was “My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done.” (Matthew 26:42)
The Holy One humbled Himself and submitted to His Father. Wow. And He did that for US! Praise His name.
The decisions that we have to make are so trivial and small in comparison, yet our attitude needs to be the same….
Personally, of COURSE, I would prefer to sing on Friday. This is one of my favorite places to sing, and these events happens quite rarely. So I’m praying for us to be pleasantly surprised as He makes a way. At the same time, my heart is before Him, humbly trusting in His will to be done. The drive to the shore is a long one, and it’s possible that as that storm heads up the eastern seaboard, it may become something dangerous by the coast. OR, it could all go out to sea and leave us with a beautiful day. OR, it might just be a rainy day…. Only the Lord knows. So the “plan” is before Him, knowing that His will is the perfect one. Trusting in His direction is the best plan of all.
Normally, I wouldn’t even share this or explain this thought process. Yet perhaps these thoughts about laying down our desires at the feet of the cross are something others may need to hear right now.
His Purpose
Whether we have big or small decisions to make, our way is not hidden from the Lord. And this often-quoted verse always rings so true, with such hope and encouragement: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)
Don’t leave off the last half of that verse… It’s loving Him and being called according to HIS purpose that matters, and having a submitted heart is how those purposes will be accomplished. And sometimes, the way that He chooses for us is not the way that WE would choose. So be it. There is such a peace in being able to trust that His path is the best, and all He’s asking is that we trust Him and follow Him.
Each morning I make it a habit to pray several scriptures to help focus my mind on Him and remember that He has saved me and I am His servant, etc. Someday I hope to share those encouraging passages that have helped me stay focused for years now. One of them that has helped so much is another well-known passage that at least gives one answer to the question of “how do I know the will of God”?
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God–this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is–his good, pleasing and perfect will.”
(Romans 12:1-2)
Did you catch that last part? He’s telling us how to test and approve what His will is. And we do it by laying our very selves down on the altar as a living sacrifice so that He can work through us to accomplish His ends and not our own. So often, worship seems to be something we do by singing, praying or otherwise expressing our hearts to Him. But the ultimate act of worship is laying our desires and our very selves down at His feet.
So, maybe you have a decision to make that mystifies you. Maybe it’s a big, life-changing one. Maybe it’s a moderate one, like me deciding to go on Friday or not. Maybe He will take the decision out of my hands by making the circumstances direct me one way or the other. Maybe you just have little choices to make and want some direction. Whatever the case, this much I know. He desires to accomplish His “good, pleasing and perfect will”. He gives us the blessing of entering in to being a part of what He’s doing. We are on a need-to-know basis, and need to trust Him minute by minute to show us the way.
Let’s follow His leading, wherever He leads, for surely, His way is the BEST!
Please do keep us in prayer regarding Friday’s decision, that He will lead, guide and protect in all ways…
And let me know in the comments if you could use some prayer for decisions you are facing, as you trust in Him to lead you each day.
This week’s featured song is a hymn (which can be heard at the end of the podcast associated with this episode–see below) from the “Painter of the Heavens” CD called “He Leadeth Me”.
What a blessed thought indeed, that He is the One leading the way….
Lisa Prokopowitz is a Christian Singer/Songwriter, Podcaster and Blogger who seeks to lift up the name of Jesus and draw hungry hearts unto Him.
This article/blog is also associated with a Podcast that can be found here:
He Leadeth Me, from the Painter of the Heavens CD can be purchased through
Loving Grace Ministries at the following direct link: